Thank you for using the LMLS wireless system. Please be sure that your browser is set up correctly to use the LMLS wireless network.
Disclaimer: Patrons use the wireless network at their own risk. Virus protection and security settings are the user’s responsibility. LMLS is not responsible for damages due to unforeseen events or incorrect, insufficient, incomplete or inadequate security or anti-virus protection.
Important Note: You are unable to click on the Auto Detect radio button if the “Copy Proxy Settings” box is checked. This box is found at the bottom of the Settings screen. Uncheck that box in order to to click on Auto Detect.
Answer: Make sure the wireless adapter is enabled. Go to Programs-Settings-Control Panel and open Network Connections Looking for the “Wireless Network Connection”. Some laptops have a hardware on/off switch for the wireless adapter on the laptop. Example, Toshiba Laptops have a wireless switch along the edge (front or sides) of the keyboard portion of the laptop. There will be an LED indicator with a wireless symbol near the switch. Check to see if a switch exists and that the card is not switched off. The symbol on the hardware for the wireless card may look like an antenna with waves coming out of the left and right side, such as (((¡))).
NOTE: When you are finished using the LMLS wireless network make sure you remove the manual proxy server setting. Either change the setting to “Auto-detect” (if available) or “direct connect to Internet”. You must de-select the option for using a specific proxy server or you will not be able to browse on the Internet in another network.
Answer: If you are usually connected to the Stop and Go network in a different part of the building it could be that your wireless connection is not transitioning to the closest wireless access point. Right click on the wireless icon in the system tray of your computer (Bottom right hand corner). Select Repair from the list of menu options. You will see the connection reinitialize and the connection should now associate itself with the nearest access point.